Hello for all: I'm looking for palmas recording for Bulerie . solea. tango ..ect . I will be thankful if can help me to find some of them MP3 or Audio Thanks for all.
Thank You amigo Jeannot for your help but I think you didnt understand me. Yes I know how to count but the principal thing that what does the girl doing in the first video so (palmas Only) Like this (Ték tttek tek tttek tek tttek tttek tek tek for buleria for exampl)
Et sinon en Français ça donne quoi rhuya ? :drunken:
Désolé bouleau j'ai pas compri ta repence
hola imado
tu parle français? tu aurais du commencer par la tu aurais eu d’avantage de réponse. regarde cette vidéos (palmas por palos 1 bulerias)
that I am not in order deceive and that c 'est what you searches.
good party
jeannotLun 13 Mai 2013 - 23:28