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The Italian Who Went To Malta (humour)

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The Italian Who Went To Malta (humour)

L'autre jour, en cours de phonétique, un truc super...lourd....bref, pour nous faire comprendre qu'il faut bien prononcer les mots, on nous a fait écouter un truc qui s'appelle "The Italian who went to Malta"
Donc faut lire ça avec un accent italien, j'avoue, après 1h de phonétique, le prof nous met ça à la fin du cours, j'étais effondré de rire ^^

One day Ima gonna Malta to a bigga hotel
Inna morning I go down to eat breakfast.
I tella waitress I wanna two pissis atoast.
She brings me only one piss.
I tella I wanna two piss.
She says go to the toilet.
I say you no understand, Iwanna two piss onna ma plate.
She say you better no piss onna plate, you sonnomabitch.
I don't even know the lady and she call me sonnomabitch !

So I go back to my room inna bigga hotel,
and there is no sheet onna ma bed;
Call the manager and tella him I wanna sheet;
He tell me go to the toilet.
I say you no understand, I wanna sheet onna ma bed.
He says you better no shit onna bed, you sonnomabitch.

Later I go to the bigga restaurant.
The waitress brings me a spoon, anna knife but no forch.
I tella I wanna forch.
She tells everyone wanna fock.
I tella you no understand, I wanna forch onna table.
She says you better no fock onna table, you sonnomabitch !

I go to the checkout and the men at the desk says "Peace on you".
I say piss on you too, you sonnomabitch !
Ima gonna back to Italy !

San Fermin 2009 c'est dans 11 mois et 16 jours


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